To order Chico’s Pipefitters Pocket Cards:
We’re beginning to build a network of Chico’s Resellers throughout the United States. There’s possibly a Chico’s Reseller in your city. Click on the “WHERE TO BUY CHICO’S” button to locate “Chico’s Pipefitters Pocket Cards” near you.
To order Chico’s directly from BDC:
If you are unable to locate “Chico’s Pipefitters Pocket Cards” near you, or if it’s inconvenient to do so, you may purchase directly through Burleson Distributing Corporation. You may order online with credit card by clicking “PURCHASE CHICO’S ONLINE”.
If you do not want to transmit Credit Card information over the Internet, you may download and print an CHICO’S Order Form by clicking on “CHICO’S ORDER FORM“. Just complete the form, and mail it with your check to:
3315 Spring Cypress Dr.
Suite 1-A
Spring, TX 77388